ever since I was in grade 5 each year I have chosen a particular animal to obsess over. First it was chikins (it is supposed to be spelt that way), then it was gophers, walrus, penguins..........
I am pleased to anounce that this years animal is a squirrel!!!
I have come to this with the help of Jonathan Ian Mathers, a squirrelly genius and the creator of a cartoon called Neurotically Yours, which features a goth chick named Germaine and her pet talking squirrel Foamy. Foamy and his weird friends (Pilz-E, the Hatta, and Begley) rant, annoy and cavort their way into greatness.
Germaine is voiced by Dawn Bennet, although everything else is done by Mr. Mathers. Other characters include Anchovie, Germaine's weird stalker guy, Franklin, the most likely gay barrista of star shmucks coffee houses, and Mammed, the Indian who works at the technical support at Smell computers.
www.illwillpress.com - the main site, with scripts, shop, email, downloads and the cartoons, although not a lot of them work and it doesn't feature all 93 (this number maybe wrong as new cartoons are constantly being made)
www.drunkensquirrel.net - forum, and all the cartoons up and running
www.friendsoffoamy.com - forum, cartoons, unofficial episodes, trivia, mp3's and gallery
www.scrubalicious.net/ny/ - a fanlisting website, sorted by country. very organised.